Hey there!

My name is Kristen Stephen and in 2021 I moved to Western North Carolina (with my dogs Maggie and Frida) from the great state of Colorado, where I lived for 6.5 years. I loved my life in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and I grew closer to nature there than I ever had before. I learned how to live and flow with the seasons—which was foreign to me as a Southern California native—and I discovered that seasonal living was something my heart deeply desired.

But although I loved living in those mountains, my heart was yearning for a slightly warmer climate, with more rain and more productive land—land that could be worked and regenerated throughout the seasons. 

I want to grow my own food, you see, and do my very best to give back to the earth that so freely gives to me. I also want to be surrounded by people who are doing the same, so I can get the majority of my food locally, and eventually build a community of like-minded friends. 

So with all that in mind, I decided to move to Western North Carolina, where farms and forests coexist like the sand and the sea, so I could have the best of both worlds.

In my videos and on my blog I’ll be sharing with you my journey toward living a life that’s more in-balance with the natural world around me. A life where I live with the seasons and get the majority of my food in-season and locally—whether I get it from local farmers, from what I’m able to forage, or from the food I will eventually produce. 

I’ll also be sharing my projects, whether they be artistic—painting, drawing, photography, and sewing; or constructive—repurposing items, refinishing old furniture, building and repairing—because I love to create.

In fact, I created my own series of Nature Observation Journals and Composition Notebooks for sale, inspired by my love of nature (which you can find on my shop page).

So welcome to my website. I’m so glad you’re here!


It’s my mission to move forward toward a more connected way of living—connected to myself (mind, body, emotion and spirit), connected to others, and connected to the earth and our natural world.

And in sharing my journey, I hope to inspire you to do the same.
— Kristen