Fixing My Holey Sweater
You can buy printed reproductions of my hand-painted watercolor and ink Nature Observation Journals and Composition Notebooks on Amazon!
I hate throwing things away. Especially something like this sweater, where most of the piece is still completely in tact and useful, and will be for quite a few years.
The combination of the fast fashion clothing industry's crap quality clothes, with our modern day mentally of "if it's broken, throw it out" means that there is a lot of clothing that's ending up in landfills each year.
According to the EPA's website, in 2018, which appears to be the last year they made note of this, over 9 million tons of clothing and shoes ended up in a landfill in the US - and that's just in one year. And for those who don't know, 1 ton = 2,000 pounds, so try and picture the reality of 9 million tons.
It's incredibly irresponsible of us, as caretakers of this earth.
I've been mending my clothes for as long as I can remember. Most of the mending that I've done, though, is invisible mending, that's not intended to be seen.
That really isn't possible to do with a project like this, so I decided to create some very visible, and artistic mending for these elbow holes.
It was a fun project and I really like how it turned out, especially for my very first artistic mending project.
It makes me so happy to think of all the additional wear I'll get out of this sweater, just from putting in several hours worth of enjoyable creative work.
And I get to walk around town with art pieces on my elbows.
Hi, Iām Kristen!
I envision a world where you and I rediscover what it is to be human, through connection with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us.