Humans weren't created for 24/7 tech

Too much technology turns my brain to mush and makes me feel terrible. I get this confused, foggy-headed feeling that I can only clear by going outside and moving my body.

So today, when I found myself with a technology hangover, I did just that. I grabbed my two best friends in the whole world and we went to a local park with a beautiful waterfall.

The difficult thing about my technology hangovers is that they’re generally accompanied by a sense of mild depression, where I don’t want to leave the house and move my body. So actually getting myself to do that presents quite a challenge. Especially because there’s nowhere to walk around my house, and I have to drive to the park.

I enjoy technology—I’m using it to communicate with you right now, and I use it to take photos and make videos, and I absolutely love using the internet—but it’s not natural for humans to be connected to a device all day every day.

We’re at this critical point in our history where I think we need to stop and seriously take a look at our technology usage and how it affects us, because big tech wants to push us to use it even more.

In 2021 I got rid of my Instagram and Facebook accounts, because I didn’t like the addictive behavior they created in me. I set an hour limit a day for the apps, but I always ended up going over that time limit, and all that time I spent glued to my phone made me feel like sh*t.

I told myself I was using the apps for my business, but in all the years I used them, I gained very little business from them. I spent hours thinking of what to take a picture of, and what caption I should use, or what video I should create—videos that disappeared from people’s feeds and memories in 24 hours. I also spent so many hours each week mindlessly scrolling through feeds, avoiding living the beautiful life that I was given.

And although I quit those two social media platforms, I don’t yet have it all figured out—I had a tech hangover just today. But I’m starting to head in the right direction.

Humans are a part of nature and in order for us to be healthy, we need to reconnect with the natural world, and spend less time on our phones and computers. I’m still working out how to do that, but I’ll let you know when I get in a good groove.

-----Camera and Gear Used To Shoot This Video -----

Hi, I’m Kristen!

I envision a world where you and I rediscover what it is to be human, through connection with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us.



My Life in North Carolina (Welcome to My North Carolina Vlog)


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