Moved Out of My Colorado Mountain Cabin and Drove to California, Episode 11

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I moved out of my little mountain cabin and left Colorado. The whole process was a bit sad—and pretty stressful, but ultimately, it was the best path for me to take. I have some exciting plans in my future, but I’ll tell you about them as they unfold. So much is changing so quickly, that I have no idea when I’ll actually land where I plan on landing.

My friend Katie flew out from Northern California to help me finish my move and drive out to California, where I’ll be staying for the summer—I know, she’s a really great friend. It was so nice having someone there for the unexpected road trip challenges and really nice to have someone to process through everything with. Katie and I have been friends for 16 years, so she knows me really well.

I’ll be staying in the San Bernardino mountains for the month of June and then I’m heading somewhere else in July. Stay tuned for more on my summer adventure!

Hi, I’m Kristen!

I envision a world where you and I rediscover what it is to be human, through connection with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us.



I'm Raising Monarch Butterflies, Episode 12


Mountain Living in the Spring (Colorado Mountain Life), Episode 10