Road Trip to Maine

Fall Leaves, New Hampshire

Back in mid-October, I took a road trip up to Maine with the intention to see the colorful fall leaves.

The trip started out with me, Maggie and her fancy frozen raw dog food, which I bought a special electric cooler for...I know, she's super spoiled (but I totally fell in love with this portable refrigerator on the trip, so I don't at all regret the purchase).

The first couple of days were just focused on moving up north, to Philadelphia, where we picked up my parents from the airport.

The whole trip was supposed to be to see the fall leaves of the north east, and everything we had read said that the leaves would be peaking during our trip.

The only fall leaves we were able to catch, however, were right outside of Concord, New Hampshire, which was a little out of the way, but we were really glad we didn't miss that.

From Concord we made our way up to Bar Harbor, Maine and Acadia National Park. The only two night stay we had.

Although we saw a lot of beautiful things on this trip, I definitely wouldn't ever take the same trip again, unless I spread it out over a longer period of time and spent a couple nights at least in each location. Driving long distances really wipes me out and I needed at least a week to recover after I got home from this trip. I was completely pooped.

After Maine we made our way down to Plymouth, Massachusetts and it was pretty cute. I really loved being by the ocean. As someone who grew up in southern California I feel like I need at least a small dose of ocean every year, or I just don't feel right.

Maggie in Acadia National Park

And after Plymouth it was time to make our way back toward Philly, to drop my parents back off at the airport. We had the pleasure of experiencing traffic in Boston and New York, in the same day. Hahaha

After Philly I was on my own again and headed toward home. It's been hard to wrap my brain around everyone calling Asheville a mountain town, because I'm used to the Colorado kind of mountains, but driving back toward home I was able to see what they meant. They might not be jaggy snow - covered peaks, but they're definitely mountains - soft and lovely ones, covered with beautiful trees.

As intense as that compressed trip was, it almost felt like a right of passage. I've now driven through a pretty significant portion of the east coast of the US (14 states, to be exact) and they were mostly places I had never been before. And as for the places I had been (Boston, New York and D.C), I'd never imagined in a million years I'd be driving a car through them. It was quite the experience!


Hi, Iā€™m Kristen!

I envision a world where you and I rediscover what it is to be human, through connection with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us.



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