Thoughts on Transformation

I've been thinking a lot about change and transformation, lately.

And not just because of the change in seasons.

I've been working on transforming myself over the past 16 years and it feels like things are finally starting to shift.

I spent the first 25 years of my life like a monarch caterpillar - mindlessly consuming everything in my path, only concerned with keeping up and getting ahead.

And then when I realized that all of my mindless following of the crowd wasn't making me any less miserable, I started going inside to try and find a way out.

I've been working on myself pretty much nonstop since then.

And for a long time, I've been waiting for the day when I wake up to find that I've magically transformed into a beautiful butterfly overnight.

To finally become a fully formed, magnificent being making my way out of the transformative ooze, after being cradled for so long inside my cocoon.

But recently, I came to realize that I hadn't even reached the ooze state yet. I was still very firmly at the stage where I was shedding the bulk of my skin, preparing to make my way into my cocoon.

And that kinda pissed me off a little bit.

I mean, realistically, I know I'll be shedding layers of my old self until the day I die, but I wanted to be a little further ahead in the process than I am right now.

But though I'm still a ways away from becoming a butterfly, there's a certain excitement about becoming a cocoon full of goo.

The butterfly forms within that goo cocoon. I have absolutely no idea how it happens. Watching it is incredibly magical, but I feel like I'm finally ready to experience it for myself - obviously not literally, that would be really freakin weird.

So here I am, making my way into my goo filled cocoon, with little Maggie by my side.

It feels like it’s finally time to leave my past behind, and create my future. I have an idea of how I want that to look, but realistically, I have absolutely no idea what it’ll actually end up looking like. But thankfully, it usually tends to exceed my expectations, so fingers crossed.


Hi, I’m Kristen!

I envision a world where you and I rediscover what it is to be human, through connection with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us.



Road Trip to Maine


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