Colorado Mountain Living Vlog (Episode 1)

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I’ve been wanting to start a vlog about my life in the Colorado Rockies for a really long time now, but I never really knew when and how to start.

The reality of beginning something new, however, is that there really is no perfect time to start anything—you can never truly be “ready”—you just have to decide to start and then do so, and that’s exactly what I did here.

The year 2020 was a challenging year— a year where it was seemingly impossible to be joyful and very difficult to not feel chronically stressed out. Human beings are not meant to live in a constant state of fight or flight, yet that is how most of us lived for most of the year.

I don’t know about you, but my physical and mental health suffered because of it.

This year I decided that no matter what happens, I am not going to allow myself to fall into that same trap. I’m sure we have more drama that lays ahead of us—we’re in the process of shifting, as a human collective, and change isn’t always pretty—but that drama does not have to completely dictate how we feel in our bodies and the flow of our lives.

One of the practices that I am taking on is really making an effort to enjoy my surroundings and to seek out beautiful experiences. And I know that when I do that, I feel calmer, more centered and more joyful, which leads to better mental and physical health. This vlog is the way that I plan on going about that. I know it’ll act as a constant reminder to seek out beauty and I’m hoping it’ll inspire you to do the same. So welcome to my first vlog, I’m glad to be taking this journey along with you.

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Hi, I’m Kristen!

I envision a world where you and I rediscover what it is to be human, through connection with ourselves, each other and the natural world around us.



An Unusual Winter in the Mountains (Colorado Mountain Living Vlog), Episode 2


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